First, sorry for the long break. I have been in hiding without really knowing it. Things have not been crazy, no sick babies, no real drama, no excuses. Just not blogging. Well, I'm back. Things here have been moving at normal speed. Blake is still a wild, wild three year old. I am at my wits ends with him and not listening. I was beginning to think that I was the only mother who has a three year old who is still not listening. I have tried many, many different discipline techniques which all work for a little while and then seem to loose the magic. Yesterday I implemented a new one. I began taking away his beloved toys. Oh, the heartbreak. After a nice little episode of me repeating myself for the 50th time, I calmly walked to my room and got a bag. I then took Blake into his room and made him place one of his race cars into the bag. I then explained that Daddy works very hard so that Blake can have these nice toys and that there are a lot of little boys who don't have any toys to play with. I told him it is his job to listen to us and that if he can't do that I will begin taking toys away to give to the little boys who do listen. INSERT TEARS AND SNOT. He LOVES his cars and I feel horrible taking them, but something has to give. I am crossing my fingers that this will work.
Kayce is growing and meeting milestones like crazy. She is FINALLY crawling, 10 months later, and is now starting to pull up. She is eating us out of all of our food. She loves to eat. I have not found anything that she will not eat. She has not gotten any teeth yet, but that does not slow her down with eating. She is a very sweet baby. She is a huge snuggler. She is very happy to be held and rocked. All she needs is her lovey and her thumb.
Darren and I are the same just older. We love to be in bed at 9:30 and we are not the least bit embarrassed by this little fact. I still can't not believe that I used to be able to stay up into the wee hours of the night and then wake up and go to class. What was I thinking?? I have no desire to be out past dark these days. It is sad. On our anniversary we got a babysitter and went out to a local cuban resturant. We had a couple glasses of wine with our dinner. When it was over Darren asked if I wanted to go somewhere and get a drink. I actually said that I would rather go get a cup of coffee and go sit on the beach and watch the sunset. He thought it was a great idea. We are getting old.
I hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas and a blessed New Year.