Saturday, December 20, 2008

Only 5 more days!!

I love Christmas!! This has not always been how I felt but I really do love it now. I love giving gifts to everyone, I love all of the opportunities to get together with friends and family, I love the smells and lights, and most importantly, I love that this is when our savior was born. I feel very blessed this year as I have two healthy, beautiful children who drive me out of my mind sometimes, but who I love more that anything else in this world. I love how Blake is coming into his own. He loves to get on the computer now and watch trains on Youtube and he knows how navigate the computer all on his own. I love when he tells me I am his best friend and gives me big hugs (because I don't get them when I want them anymore) and I love watching him be a big brother (when he is not body slamming Kayce into the tile floor). It is amazing to me how opposite my two children are. Besides the obvious gender issue, Kayce is a very calm and content child. She does not need to be entertained, she will snuggle for hours in our arms and she is very unsure of new situations and people. Blake is very energetic and constatnly moving from one thing to another. It is very rare that he is not in the same room with us, regardless of which room we are in. He is a social butterfly who never meets a stranger. He can make friends with a wall if you give him enough time. And I love every trait of each of my children just the same. My favorite thing to do at this time of year is to sit next to the Christmas tree, all lit up, and just thank God for every blessing I have in my life. Merry Christmas.

Friday, December 5, 2008


I have many weaknesses but I know my biggest weakness is vomit. I think God knows this because he blessed me with a child who has only thrown up once or twice in his life. Unfortunately, this record is officially broken. Blake woke up around 4:30 am coughing. Darren got up with him and tried to put him back to bed and right when Blake was climbing the ladder, he hurled all over the bottom bunk and floor. So we cleaned him up and got him back to bed. I prayed the rest of morning that it was just a fluke. He got up and ate breakfast and acted fine. He said he wanted to go to school and stay for pizza. I was so happy. Well, 30 minutes after dropping him off I get a phone call fromt he school saying he is complaining and wants to go home. I start praying again and head to pick him up. Seems that right before I arrived, he hurled again. So I officially braced myself for a day of throwing up and started to plan out the best was to deal with my adversion to vomit and my child who is now vomiting. I got him home, bathed him and got him to sip on some Gatoraide. I then covered the couch with a waterproof crip sheet, towels and put a bucket next to the couch. I explained to Blake the importance of hitting the bucket if he felt sick again. As expected, he started feeling the need to vomit again and bless his heart, he hit the bucket. I am so proud of him and relieved. I now am waiting for the dr to call in some Zofran so we can make through the weekend. I have disinfected my entire house and am now praying that this is only 24 hours and that Kayce will not get it. I can almost guarantee that she will not be able to hit the bucket and my palms are already sweating thinking about it. I hate illness!!!!!

Monday, December 1, 2008

I'm finally back

I bet you all thought that I had retired from the blogging world. You would be right in your line of thinking but I am now back. I guess I went through a long moment of writers block. But after a long break, I feel like I can start to update the blog again. The sad thing is, not much has changed from my last post. Really!! Other than the kids getting older things are pretty much the same here. The weather is still hot, the kids are still wild and I am still doing the same things day in and day out. Kayce is starting to think about talking instead of screaming for everything. She still knows how to play with cars and planes much better than she does with baby dolls. Blake is still 200% all boy. He is well trained in the selective hearing department but is getting somewhat better depending on the day. One difference is that they are finally learning how to play together instead of aggravating one another. As I type this, they are both playing Blake's GeoTrax and have been for the past 30 minutes. That I am thankful for. So, even though I am back in the swing of blogging, we are still doing the same things as before. Hope eveyone is doing well.