Friday, October 12, 2007

I'm Back!!!

It has been a while since my last post and here is why. The kids and I flew to Atl on the 25th of Sept. We met my parents and then we all drove to Ky to see family. Then we came back to Atl and went to Darrens parents until last Monday, Columbus Day. We had a great time but it sure does make us homesick. It does not help that Blake cries when we have to come home. He loves being with his grandparents and I feel horrible that he does not get to spend more time with them. So now we are home and getting back into the swing of things. This harder than one might think. Blake loves to help me get things put away but his version of put away and my version are two different ideas. I am still trying to get clothes put up. Today while I was feeding Kayce, Blake decided to help around the house. I did not think anything of this and paid no attention. All of a sudden I heard something fall and a little voice say, "Sorry mommy". I did not even want to look around the corner, but when I did, I saw part of our door frame on the ground and Blake standing there with his play hammer. To his benefit, the door frame was already cracked, but it was by no means hanging off. Then he looked at me with big sad eyes and said," that was my fault, I am sorry" and walked into his room and put himself in time-out. I felt horrible for him but at the same time was fuming inside because I know what a task it will be to fix it. But since he was already punishing himself, I did not have to. What a morning!!

1 comment:

MaryBeth said...

Glad you had a good time visiting... I remember how hard those going back home days were, and Ella was really too small to be upset like Blake. Hope you get settled back in soon. Can't wait to see the pictures from your trip!