Tuesday, February 26, 2008

You say Miami, I say Yourami

Darren and I decided to buy Blake Indy 500 tickets for his birthday this year. The race is south of Miami in the town of Homestead. We have been telling Blake that he gets to go to Miami with Daddy to see the race cars for his birthday. He is so excited and loves to tell people what he is doing for his birthday. Yesterday he was telling one of his friends and said " My daddy and I are going to daddy's ami to see the big race cars." I busted out laughing and tried to explain to Blake that the name of the town is Miami not daddy's ami. He promptly replied, "Mommy it is not yourami it is daddy's ami". There was no winning this one so it shall be daddy's ami in this household.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

The Drama Has Begun!!!

Seems that my oh so sweet baby girl has found her temper. She threw her first real temper tamper today and it was quite funny, if I do say so myself. It was all over the fact that I needed to make a phone call as I was carrying her around. She wanted the phone that I had in the hand that was not holding her. I did not give her the phone because as I said earlier, I need to make a call, so she proceeded to start to cry and stiffen up. Instead of fighting her, I sat her down which really ticked her off. As soon as I took a step back, she threw herself backward (onto carpet) and started to scream as if I had just cut off her hand. I start laughing (which made her more mad) and calmly turned around and walked away. I then prayed to the wonderful lord above and asked for this to be a fluke and not the norm as I already have one spirited child and would really love to have my calm mellow daughter back. I really hope that God was listening and will have mercy on this household because I thought that I wanted more children until that little episode and if this is his way of letting me know that we don't need anymore, I get the picture loud and clear.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Birthday Weekend

We had a wonderful weekend celebrating Kayce's birthday. Saturday we celebrated with pizza and cake. Kayce ate two pieces of pizza, with no teeth, and then downed her cake like a champ. Sunday we bought a kite from Sam's and went to the park next to the river and had a great time flying it. The wind was just right and the kite stayed up for the majority of the time. Blake had a blast chasing and flying the kite, while Kayce was happy to just watch. It was a nice relaxing weekend. Here are some pics of Kayce celebrating.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

One year ago

I can't believe that almost one year ago (on the 17th) Kayce arrived as the newest member of our family. Time flies!!! She still has no teeth and she is not even close to walking but she is still the sweetest most content baby. She has blond curls and big blue eyes. When she was first born I thought that I still wanted one more baby but the longer we go, the more I am thinking that we are done. I am ready to start the next chapter of our lives. Blake will be going five days a week to pre school next year and Kayce will be in the "puppy" class at the same school. I have turned in my application to teach at that same school which also happens to be my church. I am really exceited about the idea of going back to work. (Yet another reason that I think I am done making babies). I am really looking forward to the idea of working again. I might change my mind once start working but right now the idea makes me happy. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE being home with my kids but Blake is ready to be at school full time and Kayce will be right there with me. Hopefully I will still feel this way when the time comes to start working.
On another note:
I am finding myself constantly comparing my parenting skills when it comes to Blake and Kayce. When Blake turned one, we had just moved here and we did not know anyone. So we did not have a party. It was Darren, Blake and me. We had a cupcake for Blake and took pictures of him digging into it. We did celebrate later with my family and with Darren's family, but for his actual birthday, it was the three of us. So now we have lived here for awhile and we have made such wonderful friends. However, I feel so guilty even thinking of having a huge birthday party for Kayce when we did not do it for Blake. So I have decided that we will have a very small gathering on Saturday for Kayce and then on her actual birthday it will be just the four us. I know it sounds crazy but I just can't get past doing something for one of the kids and not doing it for the other.
Here are some updated pictures of Kayce.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Winter in Florida

Winter in Florida has been in the 80's on average this year. Blake spent a lot of the weekend swimming with his friend Sophia. That's what we do here during the winter, swim. We do miss the cold weather but after reading all of my friend's posts about being housebound due to cold weather, I am thankful for being able to go outside and not freeze. In fact, most days we are in shorts and t-shirts.
Blake is amazing me more and more these days. He is so funny with a lot of what he says. The other day Darren had a drink and Blake asked what it was. Darren replied that it was just a drink and Blake shot back, "Actually dad, it is coke and I would like some". Then that night we were waiting to turn into a parking lot and a driver pulled out in front of us. Out from the back seat we hear" crazy moron". We cracked up after explaining to him that it was not nice to call names. Blake looked at Darren and said" yeah dad, its not nice to say that".
Kayce is developing her little personality more and more everyday. She does not like grass. She freezes up and screams if she comes in contact with it. Pretty funny. She loves all food and will soon pass Blake up in weight. She usually finishes her plate and his at all meals. It is hard to believe that she will be one in less than two weeks. She still has no teeth!! I am wondering if we need to start looking into dentures.