Friday, March 7, 2008

Life is a beach!!

It is not often that Darren and I get to have a night out without kids. We would love to do it more often but it just never works out. This morning Darren called from work and asked me to work on getting a babysitter so that we could have a date. I called our beloved sitter and asked if she could come around six. She showed up and off we went. We had dinner at a little hole in the wall Cuban restaurant which we love. Dinner was wonderful and we really just sat and ate and enjoyed the quiet. Usually we are the center of attention on most restaurants thanks to our loud children so it is nice to not be noticed. We then tried to decide what we wanted to next. We talked about a movie but realized that we were both so tired we could have gone to bed, so we passed on sitting in a dark room with no children to keep us awake. We finally decided to go over to the Vero Beach Club and Resort on the beach and listen to the band. This resort was actually featured in this months Souther Living and we had never been inside so we wanted to see what it was all about. It was very nice and very ritzy but the outside bar was not open so we left and went to one of our favorites. As we were sitting there on the beach, we realized how we really take the fact that we live right on the beach for granted and most people pay to get to sit on the beach at night. We really enjoyed just sitting and talking and listening to the waves. We had a wonderful date and I can't wait to do it again.

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