Tuesday, January 22, 2008

We are back in Florida!!

We are home. This is a bitter sweet feeling. Of course, there is no place like home and as much as we all love to see our families, we all love to be sleep in our own beds. We found out that Kayce is a homebody. She regressed in her sleeping habits horribly while we were away. She went from sleeping through the night to waking up about twice a night while we were gone. This was hard because as much as I wanted to let her cry it out and not form a habit, I also did not want to wake the entire house. So I got up with her every time she woke up. When we got home last night I told Darren that if she woke up during the night, she was going to have to cry it out. Obviously she just needed her bed because as soon as I laid her down, she smiled, grabbed her blanket and did not make a sound until 7:30 this morning. Blake slept until an unheard of 9:45 am. My children were exhausted from our trip and just needed their beds. We do love to be with our families. And we really loved the cold weather. Blake got to see a little bit of snow and loved to be pulled in the sled with his cousins. We had a great time and loved seeing all of our friends and family. We can't wait to do it again.

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