Monday, February 4, 2008

Winter in Florida

Winter in Florida has been in the 80's on average this year. Blake spent a lot of the weekend swimming with his friend Sophia. That's what we do here during the winter, swim. We do miss the cold weather but after reading all of my friend's posts about being housebound due to cold weather, I am thankful for being able to go outside and not freeze. In fact, most days we are in shorts and t-shirts.
Blake is amazing me more and more these days. He is so funny with a lot of what he says. The other day Darren had a drink and Blake asked what it was. Darren replied that it was just a drink and Blake shot back, "Actually dad, it is coke and I would like some". Then that night we were waiting to turn into a parking lot and a driver pulled out in front of us. Out from the back seat we hear" crazy moron". We cracked up after explaining to him that it was not nice to call names. Blake looked at Darren and said" yeah dad, its not nice to say that".
Kayce is developing her little personality more and more everyday. She does not like grass. She freezes up and screams if she comes in contact with it. Pretty funny. She loves all food and will soon pass Blake up in weight. She usually finishes her plate and his at all meals. It is hard to believe that she will be one in less than two weeks. She still has no teeth!! I am wondering if we need to start looking into dentures.


Amanda L said...

Isn't it wonderful when those things we say get played back to us. There are many times when I wonder who the grown up is in our house because Chase can be so "mature". I can't believe you went swimming last weekend.

MaryBeth said...

Okay, so maybe we'll be making a trip down to FL for a visit... if not this winter, next for sure! I am pretty jealous of your winter weather, but I guess I have to take what I've got in order to enjoy spring and fall. Ya'll don't really get those, do you?
I love reading about the crazy things kids say... that's one of my blog's main topics these days!