Tuesday, February 26, 2008

You say Miami, I say Yourami

Darren and I decided to buy Blake Indy 500 tickets for his birthday this year. The race is south of Miami in the town of Homestead. We have been telling Blake that he gets to go to Miami with Daddy to see the race cars for his birthday. He is so excited and loves to tell people what he is doing for his birthday. Yesterday he was telling one of his friends and said " My daddy and I are going to daddy's ami to see the big race cars." I busted out laughing and tried to explain to Blake that the name of the town is Miami not daddy's ami. He promptly replied, "Mommy it is not yourami it is daddy's ami". There was no winning this one so it shall be daddy's ami in this household.


Amanda L said...

I love it...I am sure they are going to have big fun in Daddy's ami. How is the little miss anymore outbursts?

MaryBeth said...

Don't know why I haven't been seeing your updates... I use bloglines now and for some reason they weren't showing up?!? Anyhoo, I'll get it figured out and be back to reading about you guys regularly very, very soon!

Hope the boys have tons of fun in Miami!

Susie said...

Are you sure this is Blake's present and Not Daddy's? sounds like a real HE-man day! I hope they have a great time

Mom said...

You realize that this in inherited don't you? When you and John were the same age, it was always "Why is Daddy going to yourami?" everytime here had to go for visit headquarters for good old Eastern! Have fun trying to explain at his age, we never got through.........