Thursday, September 6, 2007

Here Birdie, Birdie

Last weekend while Brenda and Richard, aka Nanny and Papa, were here, Nanny and Blake made a spot in our backyard for the birds complete with a bird feeder and bird bath. This is the new play area for Blake. Yesterday I looked outside and he was using the birdbath as a pond for his boats. I explained to him that the birds won't come enjoy the birdbath if he is always playing in it. A little while later I looked out and he had scooped some dirt out of the ground and was stirring it into the birdbath. He explained to me that he was making the birds a cake to eat. Wasn't that nice of him??? So again, I told him that the if he wants the birds to come and take a bath, they need clean water. I went back inside to finish up what I was doing and all of a sudden I hear Blake screaming at the top of his voice, "Here birdie, birdie!!" over and over. I went outside and asked what he was doing, like I did not know. He told me that he was calling the birds to come and eat and take a bath. I told him he was doing a great job!!!!. I have yet to see any birds taking the chance in our new bird sanctuary; however, Blake loves it so thanks Nanny.

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