Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Welcome to our new blog

I feel like I have entered the "cool" crowd on the internet. I now have a blogspot. I am tired of having to send an email and a snapfish message everytime I have new pictures to share. Also, it takes forever to attach and send videos of the kids using yahoo and bellsouth. Now everyone can come here and see what we are up to. I actually lead a very boring life so don't expect to much from this site. But for those of you who we talk to daily (you know who you are), now you can see what we are doing instead of finding out over the phone.

Brenda and Richard brought us our jumparoo that we had for Blake. It had been living at their house and we deceided that it was time to introduce Kayce to the fun of jumping. It now lives here in Florida and is being used on a daily basis. Kayce LOVES it. It is so funny to watch her jump.

Blake, what can I say. He is three. Need I say more.

Yesterday we went to Orlando to pick Nana (aka: Aunt Neil) up at the airport. We got there early, so we went to the Florida mall. I found Blake a pair of flip flops and he insisted on wearing them from the point I paid for them. This would not be a big deal except that he has only worn flip flops with straps holding them on his feet, so to wear a pair with no strap was a big deal for him. It took us thirty minutes to go from the door of the store to our car. He fell about 10 times. It was pretty funny. We tried to get him to put his other shoes back on but NOOOOO, he had to wear the new ones. Then he insisted on wearing them throughout the Orlando Airport. I was ready to throw the new flip flops out by the end of the day. I guess this is one of those things he will just have to learn to do since we do live in the hottest state and flip flops are the shoe of choice here.

Thats all for now.


MaryBeth said...

Yeah, so glad you shared your blog site with me! Hope you don't get addicted to blogging like I have!!!
Glad we'll have a way to keep up with your kiddos as they grow.

Susie said...

this is awesome. I was going to suggest you get a site this morning when you sent your pictures and I turn my computer back on tonight and you already had!
I am thinking about starting one so you can glimpse the life of a mom of teenagers, oh the horror! :)

Marianne said...

Hey babe - how cool! And wlcome to the wonderfull cyber world :)
As always you can chek out our lives - all though mostly in Danish - at www.villafjolle.dk.
Loving the pictures and geting all the news from you guys.
I can understand the thing about learnig to wear flip flops - I have the same problem, but luckily we live in a place where we can only use them two days a year... or so :=)