Tuesday, May 6, 2008

The lizard has been caught.

After assuming that the lizard was dead and decaying somewhere in my house and having nightmares about Kayce finding the dead decaying body and playing with it, the lizard showed his face to Darren. After a 15 minute chase, Darren and Blake cornered the lizard and put him back outside. I can now sleep without worrying what will be crawling on me in the middle of the night. Other than that, things are pretty normal here. Blake woke up this morning with an ear infection. I don't think we have made it more than two months in a row without an ear infection. Our pediatrician is keeping count and I just know we are doomed to getting tubes. So out of pure pity for him, I am going against my better judgment and he is eating a lollipop and watching cartoon right now at 9:43. What is wrong with me??? This afternoon he crawled up in my lap and fell asleep. This has not happened except one other time when he was about 6 months old and again had an ear infection. I was in heaven and did not put him down for a good hour. I have learned to cherish those moments with him because they do not happen often. Kayce, on the other hand, will cuddle whenever you want to. All you have to do is pick her up and she will lay her head down on your shoulder and start sucking her thumb. I love it!!! She is such a sweet baby. I thank God every night for both of my children.

1 comment:

Amanda L said...

Oh a lollipop is harmless. I have been known to give Chase pure, fully caffinated Coke when he is sick. I feel your ear infection pain. We got tubes last July. They are out now and since they have come out we have had 3.