Saturday, December 20, 2008
Only 5 more days!!
I love Christmas!! This has not always been how I felt but I really do love it now. I love giving gifts to everyone, I love all of the opportunities to get together with friends and family, I love the smells and lights, and most importantly, I love that this is when our savior was born. I feel very blessed this year as I have two healthy, beautiful children who drive me out of my mind sometimes, but who I love more that anything else in this world. I love how Blake is coming into his own. He loves to get on the computer now and watch trains on Youtube and he knows how navigate the computer all on his own. I love when he tells me I am his best friend and gives me big hugs (because I don't get them when I want them anymore) and I love watching him be a big brother (when he is not body slamming Kayce into the tile floor). It is amazing to me how opposite my two children are. Besides the obvious gender issue, Kayce is a very calm and content child. She does not need to be entertained, she will snuggle for hours in our arms and she is very unsure of new situations and people. Blake is very energetic and constatnly moving from one thing to another. It is very rare that he is not in the same room with us, regardless of which room we are in. He is a social butterfly who never meets a stranger. He can make friends with a wall if you give him enough time. And I love every trait of each of my children just the same. My favorite thing to do at this time of year is to sit next to the Christmas tree, all lit up, and just thank God for every blessing I have in my life. Merry Christmas.
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Friday, December 5, 2008
I have many weaknesses but I know my biggest weakness is vomit. I think God knows this because he blessed me with a child who has only thrown up once or twice in his life. Unfortunately, this record is officially broken. Blake woke up around 4:30 am coughing. Darren got up with him and tried to put him back to bed and right when Blake was climbing the ladder, he hurled all over the bottom bunk and floor. So we cleaned him up and got him back to bed. I prayed the rest of morning that it was just a fluke. He got up and ate breakfast and acted fine. He said he wanted to go to school and stay for pizza. I was so happy. Well, 30 minutes after dropping him off I get a phone call fromt he school saying he is complaining and wants to go home. I start praying again and head to pick him up. Seems that right before I arrived, he hurled again. So I officially braced myself for a day of throwing up and started to plan out the best was to deal with my adversion to vomit and my child who is now vomiting. I got him home, bathed him and got him to sip on some Gatoraide. I then covered the couch with a waterproof crip sheet, towels and put a bucket next to the couch. I explained to Blake the importance of hitting the bucket if he felt sick again. As expected, he started feeling the need to vomit again and bless his heart, he hit the bucket. I am so proud of him and relieved. I now am waiting for the dr to call in some Zofran so we can make through the weekend. I have disinfected my entire house and am now praying that this is only 24 hours and that Kayce will not get it. I can almost guarantee that she will not be able to hit the bucket and my palms are already sweating thinking about it. I hate illness!!!!!
Monday, December 1, 2008
I'm finally back
I bet you all thought that I had retired from the blogging world. You would be right in your line of thinking but I am now back. I guess I went through a long moment of writers block. But after a long break, I feel like I can start to update the blog again. The sad thing is, not much has changed from my last post. Really!! Other than the kids getting older things are pretty much the same here. The weather is still hot, the kids are still wild and I am still doing the same things day in and day out. Kayce is starting to think about talking instead of screaming for everything. She still knows how to play with cars and planes much better than she does with baby dolls. Blake is still 200% all boy. He is well trained in the selective hearing department but is getting somewhat better depending on the day. One difference is that they are finally learning how to play together instead of aggravating one another. As I type this, they are both playing Blake's GeoTrax and have been for the past 30 minutes. That I am thankful for. So, even though I am back in the swing of blogging, we are still doing the same things as before. Hope eveyone is doing well.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Summer is FINALLY over!!
It is funny how things change as you get older. I remember that I used to live for the summer when I was a kid. Summer meant that I would go to Kentucky and stay with my grandparents. I would spend most every waking hour with my cousin, Eric and together we would rule the world. We spent most of the time outside riding our bikes up the railroad tracks, exploring the fields and ponds and simply playing with whatever caught our interest that day. Some summers my brother would join us and add to the trouble. Whenever anyone asks about memories of my childhood, I always go back to my summers in Kentucky. Now as an adult and more importantly as a parent, I really dread summers. Not because I don't want to spend time with my kids, don't get me wrong. But it is very hard to play with kids toys all summer long. Not only that, but it is so hot here that the kids really don't love being outside unless it involves water. So when school starts, things just seem to flow better in our house. We have a schedule and the TV is usually off, thank god. So as sad as it makes me to admit that I don't live for summers anymore, I will admit it and start living for fall.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Fay, Fay, Go away!!
Fay has decided to take up residence here in Florida. Really, she is moving at a snails pace of 8 mph and is just lingering over us with rain and wind and tornado warnings. Someone should really lock her up in a house with two children ALL DAY LONG. I don't think it would be near as bad if I knew that I had the option of letting them outside to play a little and get their energy out. So we have played Wii, we have played battleship, we have had lots of snacks, we have watched lots of cartoons, we have attempted to have naps but the heavy rain kept the little one up, we gave baths at 4:00 in hopes that it would be a calming experience (not), and now we are counting the minutes down to bedtime. In addition to all of this fun, we have been watching the weather to keep up with the tornado watches and warnings. The eye of the storm is still heading our way, so the worst is yet to come. Obviously, Fay never had kids of her own or she would know better than to sit on us for so long.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
I'm still here
I am getting bad about not posting but at the end of the day it is so hard to sit and do anything that requires thought. This summer just seems to go on forever. The kids will start school in two weeks. Blake will be in the four year old class and really is not looking forward to having to write and learn new things. He says that all he is going to do is play. If this is any indication of how the rest of his schooling will go, we are in trouble. Kayce will be in the "puppy" class for 18 month olds. There are 10 little ones in the class and two very brave teachers. We met her teachers today and Kayce did fine as long as no one touched her. She is getting better about venturing off on her own but don't dare touch her. Her head will spin and green stuff comes flying out of her mouth. Ok, not really but it is about that dramatic. Her teachers will have lots of fun with her this year. The good thing is, once she gets over the fact that I leave her, she is just fine. I am really hoping that the next two weeks fly by. Not because I want to get rid of my kids or anything, but Blake is becoming stir crazy and I can only play GeoTrax so many times in one day. Let the countdown to school begin.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
We are finally home from our busy summer fun. I love summer and I really love traveling to see all of our family but it is always nice to come back home and get back into the swing of things. We had a great trip to the mountains with Darren's family. We did a lot of things that the kids really enjoyed. We learned that Kayce can fall asleep anywhere. We all went on a hour long horseback ride and after laughing and calling the horse "brewster", she fell asleep and slept for most of the ride. When we got back to the stables, Darren handed her to me and she woke up laughing and ready to go again. Then another day we went tubing down the river, again about an hour or so long. The ride was very relaxing but there were a couple of places that we went down rapids and things would get a little wild. She fell asleep after the first wild thrill and slept the rest of the way. Thankfully she was with Darren and he was able to stay in the tube and not flip over. Blake loved everything we did but he really loved being able to drive his own go cart this year. Granted, he ate the wall the majority of the time but he did not care. We spent a lot of time relaxing and enjoying spending time with one another since it is not often we all get to do that as a family. Now we are back in Florida and watching the weather channel every night praying that we will be spared another summer from those lovely hurricanes. The kids are catching up with their sleep and I think they are enjoying not doing anything. We will be spending the rest of the summer hanging out at the pool and with our friends that we missed while we were gone.
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Summer Update
We are halfway done with our summer adventures. So far we have had a great summer and are looking forward to the rest of our fun. The kids and I has a great trip to Kentucky. The adults on the trip had the very emotional task of going through my late grandmothers estate and getting it ready to auction in September. I will say that was the most emotionally draining thing I have done in a long time. The kids, however, had a ball with my cousin and her family. They were able to ride their bikes all day, go on a real steam engine train ride, pick apples from the trees and just run around playing. They loved it. We then went back to Ga and rode back to Florida with Darren's family. By the time we got home, the kids did not want to look at their car seats for a couple of days. We had a very relaxing week. Thursday the kids left with Darren's parents. So Darren and I are alone for a whole week. We really did not know what to do with ourselves at first but now we are figuring things out. We have gone to restaurants that we typically avoid, we have gone to the beach and left without having the dig sand out of peoples cracks, we have gone fishing and enjoyed the silence, we have walked on the beach at night because we don't have to worry about bedtimes. I really had forgotten what it was like to feed myself first and uninterrupted. Don't get me wrong, I miss my kids beyond words, but Darren and I really needed some time to focus on us as a couple and not as mommy and daddy. So here we are on Sunday night and we just decided that we are going to lay on the beach in the morning before he goes to work. I am sure that we will be very refreshed and ready to go by the time we drive to Ga on Thursday to meet the kids. After we pick them up, we are heading to Pigeon Forge for the week. This will be Darren's vacation for the summer and I can't wait to get somewhere that has no sprint service so that his phone will remain silent for the week. That is our summer so far. I hope everyone is have a great summer!!!
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Post Surgery
Blake now has tubes in his ears. I have to say that it was unexpectedly easy. We got to the surgery center around 6 in the morning. Blake was in his pajamas and took his beloved train blanket and ducky. They took us back around 6:15 and immediately gave him some happy medicine, which was a good thing because he was not letting anyone touch him up until that point. Once he got the happy medicine, he was a happy kid. It was actually quite funny. He was laughing at anything and everything. They let him stay in him pajamas and he took his blanket back with him. About 10 minutes after they took him back, the doctor was out telling us that everything went great and he was in recovery. This was the worst part for us because he was out of it and crying. As soon as I got back with him, they let me hold him and he calmed down but was still very out of it and upset. When he calmed down he asked if he could have something to eat, so we got him something and went home. We was pretty drunk when we got home so we put him on the couch and he was in and out of it for about an hour. Then, all of a sudden, he got up and went to the bathroom and started playing with his geotrax. He did not say anything else about the tubes all day. I really don't think he remembers the surgery, which I am ok with. He has never complained with pain and has been very agreeable to wearing the earplugs at bathtime. So, all in all, I have no complaints and only time will tell if they will reduce his ear infections or not.
Monday starts the beginning of our summer plans. We are all flying to Atl on Monday. Darren will fly home on Wed and the kids and I will go to Peachtree City. Then my family is going to Kentucky for a week. We will come back home to Florida with Darrens family on the 26th. We will be here for the week and then the kids will go back to GA with Darrens family. Darren and I will head to Ga on the 11th of July and then we all go to Gatlinburg for the following week. Needless to say, we are not hurting for things to do this summer. I am really looking forward to spending time with our families and seeing people we have not had a chance to see in awhile. I hope everyone has a great summer!
Monday starts the beginning of our summer plans. We are all flying to Atl on Monday. Darren will fly home on Wed and the kids and I will go to Peachtree City. Then my family is going to Kentucky for a week. We will come back home to Florida with Darrens family on the 26th. We will be here for the week and then the kids will go back to GA with Darrens family. Darren and I will head to Ga on the 11th of July and then we all go to Gatlinburg for the following week. Needless to say, we are not hurting for things to do this summer. I am really looking forward to spending time with our families and seeing people we have not had a chance to see in awhile. I hope everyone has a great summer!
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Sorry no pictures
I have not been doing a great job with my camera lately, so no pictures this time. Since the last post, Blake went to the ENT and he is having tubes placed in his ears this Tuesday. I am hoping that this will take care of most of his medical issues. The rotten thing about the whole thing is that he will now have to wear ear plugs whenever he gets in the water. I am really hoping he is going to be ok with that because he has just recently started to swim and he loves the pool now. He will jump in and swim all over the pool with no fear now. We are going to have plugs made just for him and he will be able to pick the color out, so I am hoping this will make him be ok with wearing them. Only time will tell. Other than that, there is no real news coming out of our house. I hope everyone is having a great summer so far.
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Better days
Since my last post, I have had much better days. The kids and I were scheduled to fly into Atlanta two days after Kayce had her seizure. I was not sure that I really wanted to chance flying with the kids by myself after that incident but the morning we were to fly out went well and we went on our way. Thankfully, the kids did great and we had a very nice visit in Atlanta and Kentucky. Of course, the wellness did not last long and as soon as we got home Blake started to run a fever and was feeling horrible. We went to the Doctor and he said that it looks like Blake has elmers glue in his ear. Of course it is not glue but it is so full of fluid that is what it looks like. We are off to see a ENT on Monday and have accepted the fact that we will more than likely be getting tubes in his ears, and possibly removing his adnoids and/or tonsils. As much as I really don't want him to have to go through all of that, I am so ready for him to not be sick and on antibiotics all the time. Other than that, things are going great. We have been swimming a lot and Blake is really taking off this summer. He is all over the pool!! Kayce loves it to. She is not afraid to step right off into the water. Here are some pics of the kids at the pool.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
The second worst day of my life
I love being a mother more than anything in this world but I really hate the medical emergencies that come with children. Yesterday started off relatively normal for us. We have been fighting fevers and the yuckies for a couple of days now but nothing out of the norm. Kayce woke up with about a 99 degree temp so I gave her Tylenol and went on about our day. I kept checking her temp throughout the day and it never got above 99 and she was acting fine. Darren left for work around 1:00 with the intention of working till midnight. After the kids woke up, I again gave Kayce Tylenol and the kids and I headed out to the outlet mall because Blake was in desperate need of new tennis shoes. We shopped around and went into the bookstore. I got Kayce out of her stroller and let her walk around and finally started back towards the car. I had put Kayce back in the stroller for the walk. As we were walking, I noticed that she was slumped over a little bit so I looked around at her and saw instantly that something was wrong. Her eyes were rolled in the back of her head and she was making a gurgling sound. Her fists were clinched and she was shaking all over. I realized she was having a seizure and called 911. As we sat there, a wonderful lady and man came up and stood with me. She called Darren and told him to meet us at the hospital. After what seemed like FOREVER, the ambulance got there. By that time Kayce had just come out of the seizure and was very lethargic and mad. We all piled up into the ambulance and speed to the hospital. Kayce was hotter than I can tell you. We took all of her clothes off and started to wipe her down with wet towels. When we got to the hospital, she was still very mad and out of it. The doctor ran her blood and urine and her temp was 103. Thankfully we have the most wonderful pediatrician. He came to the ER and as soon as he walked in the tension in the air disappeared. He assured us that she was fine and had a febrile seizure from her temp rising so quickly. Apparently, these can run in the family and sure enough, Darren had one when he was a child. So she is now on Tylenol and Advil around the clock for the next couple of days and whenever she starts to run a low grade fever from now on. Today everyone is tired but fine. She is still running a low grade temp but she is ok. I guess the good thing we can take from this is that Blake really loved riding in the ambulance with the sirens going.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
The growing pains
Everyday my children do something that just makes me laugh and in an instant will turn into crazy children. I love to have "conversations" with Blake. He is most definatelty my "why" child. He can talk about anything and everything. I know he gets this from me, I openly admit it. He loves to talk. He is also really into all things bugs and slimy creatures. The other day he met me at the door with a lizard in his hand. He is ALL boy.
Kayce is ALL girl. She already has a love for jewelry. Her favorite toy right now is a purse that came with a bracelet, a lipstick and a mirror. She will wear the bracelet for hours and just walk around jabbering to herself. Darren and I are in trouble when she gets older. She is also really starting to form a little personality. She knows what she wants and can throw a wonderful tantrum when she does not get it. She is great at throwing herself backwards and onto the floor in a fit of rage. The timeouts in the baby bed are about to start happening.
The sibling "love" is very abundant in this house. I know that we are lucky to have one of each sex and I love enjoying the world of both, but I can already foresee a future of screaming kids. Kayce is very good at growling at Blake for just looking at her. Of course there are more times than not that he is doing more than just looking but there is a rare time that he is really not doing anything but looking and she goes nuts. I am actually starting to feel a bit remorseful about how I treated my brother growing up. My nightly prayers are pleading sessions for my children to grow to love one another and be best friends. Do you think God will answer my prayer????
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
The lizard has been caught.
After assuming that the lizard was dead and decaying somewhere in my house and having nightmares about Kayce finding the dead decaying body and playing with it, the lizard showed his face to Darren. After a 15 minute chase, Darren and Blake cornered the lizard and put him back outside. I can now sleep without worrying what will be crawling on me in the middle of the night. Other than that, things are pretty normal here. Blake woke up this morning with an ear infection. I don't think we have made it more than two months in a row without an ear infection. Our pediatrician is keeping count and I just know we are doomed to getting tubes. So out of pure pity for him, I am going against my better judgment and he is eating a lollipop and watching cartoon right now at 9:43. What is wrong with me??? This afternoon he crawled up in my lap and fell asleep. This has not happened except one other time when he was about 6 months old and again had an ear infection. I was in heaven and did not put him down for a good hour. I have learned to cherish those moments with him because they do not happen often. Kayce, on the other hand, will cuddle whenever you want to. All you have to do is pick her up and she will lay her head down on your shoulder and start sucking her thumb. I love it!!! She is such a sweet baby. I thank God every night for both of my children.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Here little lizard
After my last post, I sat down to a stare off with the lizard. I called my friend, Melanie, and collectively we deceided that the best plan of action would be to get my broom and a bucket and try to swat the lizard off the ceiling and onto the floor so that I could throw the bucket on top of him and put him outside. This after we decieded that sucking him up in the vacuum cleaner would not be such a great idea for anyone involved. After thirty minutes off swatting and chasing, the little lizard had retreated to under my bookcase and will not show his face. Darren just called and said, " just leave him, he will find his way out or die trying". I love the male perspective. The lizard will die and then a nice little smell will fill my house. And on top of it all, my favorite person just got voted off American Idol. AGHHHH!! Ok, off to try and catch the little *****. And of course, here are some recent pics of the kids.
Kayce has teeth!!!
The fact that my daughter has teeth is a huge relief as she is almost 15 months old and is just now cutting her first tooth. I took her to the dentist last week because of the absence of those pearly whites and he informed me that it did not look like they were even close to coming in. Low and behold, this morning I finally caught a glimpse of the very top of one cutting through on the bottom. I think that she holds the world record for being the oldest baby to cut teeth. Granted, this has not slowed her down in her eating habits. I have not found anything that the girl can not gobble up. She puts Blake to shame in the eating department. So while I am very happy that my child does indeed have teeth, I am a little worried as to what this means in the volume of food she will now want to put down.
On another note, the joys of living in Florida mean that you become immune to the fact that you will live with lizards in your house. As I write this, there is a little fellow on my ceiling looking at me. I tried to catch him but he ran and stayed on the ceiling the entire time. I am not willing to fight this fight tonight, as I have already dealt with a dead snake in my yard this afternoon. I think God is trying to tell me to love all of the animals, even the slimy, yucky ones. So I will go to bed tonight and pray that the lizard remain in the family room and not decide to join us in our bedrooms tonight.
On another note, the joys of living in Florida mean that you become immune to the fact that you will live with lizards in your house. As I write this, there is a little fellow on my ceiling looking at me. I tried to catch him but he ran and stayed on the ceiling the entire time. I am not willing to fight this fight tonight, as I have already dealt with a dead snake in my yard this afternoon. I think God is trying to tell me to love all of the animals, even the slimy, yucky ones. So I will go to bed tonight and pray that the lizard remain in the family room and not decide to join us in our bedrooms tonight.
Monday, April 14, 2008
We have ourselves a ball player!!
Blake had his first tee ball game this past Sat. It was a lot of fun for everyone. The dads had a great time out on the field reliving their childhood and cringing when their sons started to cry, the mothers had a great time on the bench laughing at all of the kids, and the kids had a great time kicking dirt, crying when they missed the ball and dog piling each other. Blake has talked about being a baseball player everyday since the game and can't wait for his next game. Here are some of the pictures.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Brand new blog
As you can see I am now sporting a brand new look, thanks to Hilary!!! After a huge headache in dealing with me, someone who is not so computer savyy, I was able to upload the new image and pictures. I love it and I hope you do to.
Monday, March 31, 2008
Happy Birthday Blake
Blakes birthday was the 25th and we have been celebrating for about two weeks now. We started by having pizza and cake with Sophia, who also turned 4 on the 25th. Blake and Sophia have been celebrating their birthdays together since they were two. I don't think they would know how to celebrate by themselves at this point. For Blakes birthday, Darren and I bought he and Darren tickets to the Indy race in Homestead (Miami). They left early Saturday morning and spent the majority of the day at the race. Blake saw his first concert, Three Doors Down, and rocked out for the first two songs, then told Darren the music was to loud and put his hands over his ears. He gets that from his mother!! I hate loud concerts, thus, I really don't like concerts. They had rides at the race and Blake rode a lot of them. The race started at 8:00 pm and Darren said the Blake was a tropper. He loved the race cars and can't wait to go again next year. Here are the pictures.
Sunday, March 30, 2008
This post is a little late but that is better than never. My parents came into town to help celebrate Easter this year and we had a great time. My mom spent a lot of the time sewing things for the kids. She made some wonderful hooded towels for them both and then made an adorable outfit for Kayce. I wish that I had an ounce of her talent. On Saturday, we all went to the church easter egg hunt. The kids loved hunting for eggs and Blake was thrilled to have candy. Unfortunately, that night we all realized that he had too much candy when he threw up all over his bed and Darren. The good thing about that is that he will tell you today that he can't eat to much candy because he will spit up if he does. Then Easter morning, Kayce woke up sick so we opted to stay home just in case she had something that was contagious. Turns out it was a double ear infection and she is just fine now.
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Weekend full of fun!!
As much as I complain about the hot weather in Florida, I do know how lucky we are to be able to enjoy the outdoors as much as we do. The weather was perfect here this weekend and we spent the majority of the weekend outside. We started by going to the 12 hours of Sebring race on Saturday. One of the guys that Darren works with gave us two tickets and invited us to spend the day with them at there RV in the infield. Blake loved watching the cars go by and Kayce just enjoyed hanging out. Then Sunday we spent the afternoon with our great friends, Melanie, Jimmy, Sophia and Ella. The kids swam and played in the pool and Kayce seemed to really like it. We all walked up to the beach and Kayce really enjoyed that. This was the first time we have taken her since she was an infant and we really did not know if she would like it. She surprised us and loved it. She did not mind the freezing water but preferred to just crab crawl in the sand. I know where I will be taking the kids during the summer!!!
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Things I can't live without
This post is not about the kids or happenings in our lives. I love to read about products that other people use and love. I hate going to the store and buying things on a whim because more often than not I get it home and hate it. I am a consumer reports girl. Before most purchases, I will spend a lot of time looking up reviews and ratings on that particular item. Call me crazy!! So this is a list of some things that I love and can't live without.
1. Bare Minerals Make-up - Hand down this is the best make-up out there (in my opinion, of course). Yes, there are a lot of little containers of loose make-up and yes, it does get on the sink and counter top, but nothing that does not clean-up in a second. Despite those down falls, this make-up is the bomb. I can't stand to have anything on my face or to have anyone touch my face. I used to cringe when I put on the liquid or pressed foundation because I knew that I was in for a night of feeling my make-up sitting on my face. If I knew that I would be sweating, I would not even waste my time putting make-up on. I tried foundations across the board from the drug stores to the clinique counter. I never really loved anything. Then I was told about Bare Minerals. I was a little hesitant to try it at first due to the price and the fact that you have to buy brushes. But I am so glad that I did. I bought the start-up kit and got everything I needed to get started. This make-up is so light, that I can't even tell I am wearing make-up until I look in the mirror and see an shine free face. I can apply once in the morning and never have to touch up again. Even if I sweat, this stuff will stay put. I absolutely recommend trying it.
2. Gap Long and Lean jeans-- Well worth the price!! They are flattering on most body styles and you can buy them deeply discounted in a Gap outlet.
3. This one is related to Blake. If you have a son, then you must get him a GeoTrax set. I am in love with toys that help Blake play independently. Don't get me wrong, I love to play with him but there are times that it is nice to not have to play by a three year olds rules. This train set is built for his hands. He can easily lock the track in place in any configuration he wants. He has four of the remote control trains that he puts on the track and controls them with the remotes. The trains come with people which encourages him to role play. It does take up a lot of room but I bought a plastic tub and Blake keeps all the trains and accessories in this tub when he is not playing with them. This set keeps him busy for hours. I must have for the boys in your life.
1. Bare Minerals Make-up - Hand down this is the best make-up out there (in my opinion, of course). Yes, there are a lot of little containers of loose make-up and yes, it does get on the sink and counter top, but nothing that does not clean-up in a second. Despite those down falls, this make-up is the bomb. I can't stand to have anything on my face or to have anyone touch my face. I used to cringe when I put on the liquid or pressed foundation because I knew that I was in for a night of feeling my make-up sitting on my face. If I knew that I would be sweating, I would not even waste my time putting make-up on. I tried foundations across the board from the drug stores to the clinique counter. I never really loved anything. Then I was told about Bare Minerals. I was a little hesitant to try it at first due to the price and the fact that you have to buy brushes. But I am so glad that I did. I bought the start-up kit and got everything I needed to get started. This make-up is so light, that I can't even tell I am wearing make-up until I look in the mirror and see an shine free face. I can apply once in the morning and never have to touch up again. Even if I sweat, this stuff will stay put. I absolutely recommend trying it.
2. Gap Long and Lean jeans-- Well worth the price!! They are flattering on most body styles and you can buy them deeply discounted in a Gap outlet.
3. This one is related to Blake. If you have a son, then you must get him a GeoTrax set. I am in love with toys that help Blake play independently. Don't get me wrong, I love to play with him but there are times that it is nice to not have to play by a three year olds rules. This train set is built for his hands. He can easily lock the track in place in any configuration he wants. He has four of the remote control trains that he puts on the track and controls them with the remotes. The trains come with people which encourages him to role play. It does take up a lot of room but I bought a plastic tub and Blake keeps all the trains and accessories in this tub when he is not playing with them. This set keeps him busy for hours. I must have for the boys in your life.
Friday, March 7, 2008
Life is a beach!!
It is not often that Darren and I get to have a night out without kids. We would love to do it more often but it just never works out. This morning Darren called from work and asked me to work on getting a babysitter so that we could have a date. I called our beloved sitter and asked if she could come around six. She showed up and off we went. We had dinner at a little hole in the wall Cuban restaurant which we love. Dinner was wonderful and we really just sat and ate and enjoyed the quiet. Usually we are the center of attention on most restaurants thanks to our loud children so it is nice to not be noticed. We then tried to decide what we wanted to next. We talked about a movie but realized that we were both so tired we could have gone to bed, so we passed on sitting in a dark room with no children to keep us awake. We finally decided to go over to the Vero Beach Club and Resort on the beach and listen to the band. This resort was actually featured in this months Souther Living and we had never been inside so we wanted to see what it was all about. It was very nice and very ritzy but the outside bar was not open so we left and went to one of our favorites. As we were sitting there on the beach, we realized how we really take the fact that we live right on the beach for granted and most people pay to get to sit on the beach at night. We really enjoyed just sitting and talking and listening to the waves. We had a wonderful date and I can't wait to do it again.
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Our new game!!!
Blake and Kayce have a new game. We bought Kayce a cheap (10 dollars) babydoll stroller for her birthday this year. She is able to walk behind it and she loves to push it around. This morning I came around the corner to Blake holding Kayce and putting her in the stroller. I hid around the corner because I wanted to see what was going on but did not want them to see me. He was very careful and even strapped her in. Then they were off. She was laughing hysterically and he was zooming her around the house as fast as he could. It was the funniest thing I have seen in awhile.
Kayce is still refusing to walk. Really wants no part of it. As long as she has something to hold on to, she will try and walk but don't even think about letting go of her hands. She has a new spot in the house that she likes to play on. It is the box that holds Blakes geotrax cars. If I can not find her, I can pretty much bet that she will be on top of the box.
That is what is going on in this house these days. Life is an adventure!!!
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